Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Testosterone Propionate Profiles by TerePharmacy

Pharmaceutical Name: Testosterone
Chemical Name:4-androstene-3-one-17b-ol
Anabolic Rating:100
Active-life: 2-3 days
Drug class: Anabolic/Androgenic steroid (For injection)
Average Reported Dosage: Male 50-200mg daily
Acne: Yes
Water Retention: Yes
High Blood Pressure: Yes
Liver Toxic: Low
Aromatization: Yes, high
DHT Conversion: Yes, high
Decreases HPTA Function: Yes
Average Price: $6/amp

Testosterone propionate, after Testosterone cypionate and enanthate, is the third injectable testosterone ester that needs to be described in detail. This makes sense because, unlike cypionate and enanthate, both of which are widely used and well-spread in Europe, proprionate is little noticed by most athletes. The reader will now certainly pose the question of why the characteristics of an apparently rarely used substance are described in detail. At a first glance this might seem a little unusual but when looking at this substance more closely, there are several reasons that become clear. Testosterone propionate is used on so few occasions in weightlifting, powerlifting, and bodybuilding not because it is ineffective. On the contrary, most do not know about propionate and its application potential. One acts according to the mottos “what you don’t know won’t hurt you” and “If others don’t use, it can’t be any good.” We do not want to go this far and call propionate the most effective testosterone ester-, however, in certain applications it is superior to enanthate, cypionate, and also undecanoate because it has characteristics which the common test-osterones do not have.

The main difference between propionate, cypionate, and enanthate is the respective duration of effect. In contrast to the long-acting enanthate and cypionate depot steroids, propionate has a distinctly lower duration of effect. The reader learns how long this time is from the package insert of the German Jenapharm GmbH for their compound “Testosteron Jenapharm” (see list with trade ‘names): “Testosterone proprionate has a duration of effect of I to 2 days.” An eye-catching difference, however, is that the athlete “draws” distinctly less water with propionate and visibly lower water retention occurs. Since propionate is quickly effective, often after only one or two days, the athlete experiences an increase of his training energy, a better pump, an increased appe-tite, and a slight strength gain. As an initial dose most athletes pre-fer a 50-100 mg injection. This offers two options: First, because of the rapid initial effect of the propionate-ester one can initiate a sev-eral-weeklong steroid treatment with Testosterone enanthate. Those who cannot wait until the depot steroids become effective inject 250 mg of Testosterone enanthate and 50 mg of Testosterone propionate at the beginning of the treatment. After two days, when the effect of the propionates decreases, another 50 mg ampule is injected. Two days after that, the elevated testosterone level caused by the propi-onate begins to decrease. By that time, the effect of the enanthates in the body would be present; no further propionate injections would be necessary. Thus the athlete rapidly reaches and maintains a high testosterone level for a long time due to the depot testo. This, for example, is important for athletes who with Anadrol 50 over the six-week treatment have gained several pounds and would now like to switch to testosterone. Since Anadrol 50 begins its “breakdown” shortly after use of the compound is discontinued, a fast and el-evated testosterone level is desirable. The second option is to take propionate during the entire period of intake. This, however, requires a periodic injection every second day. Best results can be obtained with 50-100 mg per day or every sec-ond day. The athlete, as already mentioned, will experience visibly lower water retention than with the depot testosterones so that propionate is well-liked by bodybuilders who easily draw water with enanthate. A good stack for gaining muscle mass would be, for example, 100 mg Testosterone propionate every 2 days, 5p mg Winstrol Depot every 2 days, and 30 mg Dianabol/day. Propionate is mainly used in the preparation for a competition and used by female athletes. And in this phase, dieting is often combined with, testosterone to maintain muscle mass and muscle density at their maximum. Propionate has always proven effective in this regard since it fulfills these requirements while lowering possible water retention. This water retention can be tempered by using Nolvadex and Proviron. A combination of 100 mg Testosterone propionate every 2 days, either 50 mg Winstrol Depot/day or 76 mg Parabolan every 2 days, and 25 mg Oxandrolone/day help achieve this goal and are suitable for building up “quality muscles.”

Women especially like propionate since, when applied properly, an-drogenic-caused side effects can be avoided more easily The trick is to increase the time intervals between the various injections so that the testosterone level can fall again and so there is an accumulation of androgens in the female organism. Women therefore take propi-onate only every 5-7 days and obtain remarkable results with it. The, androgenic effect included in the propionate allows better regeneration without virilization symptoms for hard-training women. The dosage is usually 25-50 mg/injection. Higher dosages and more frequent intervals of intake would certainly show even better re-sults but are not recommended for women. The duration of intake should not exceed 8-10 weeks and can be supplemented by taking mild and mostly anabolic steroids such as, for example, Primobolan, Durabolin, and Anadur in order to promote the synthesis of pro-tein. Men who do not fear the intake of testosterone or the possible side effects should go ahead and give propionate a try. The side ef-fects of propionate are usually less frequent and are less pronounced. The reason is that the weekly dose of propionate is usually much lower than with depot testosterones. A daily injection of 50 mg amounts to a weekly dose of 350 mg while several depot injections easily launch the milligram content of testosterone into the fourfigure range. When compared with enanthate and cypionate, propionate is also a “milder” substance and thus better tolerated in the body. Those who are convinced that they need daily testosterone injections should consider taking propionate. The key to success with propionate lies in the regular intake of relatively small quantities (50-100 mg every 1-2 days.)

Although the side effects of propionate are similar to the ones of enanthate and cypionate these, as already mentioned, occur less frequently. However, if there is a predisposition and very high dosages are taken, the known androgenic-linked side effects such as acne vulgaris, accelerated hair loss, and increased growth of body hair and deep voice can occur. An increased libido is common both in men and women with the use of propionate. Despite the high conversion rate of propionate into estrogen gynecomastia is less common than with other testosterones. The same is true for possible water retention since the retention of electrolytes and water is less pronounced. The administration of testosterone-stimulating compounds such as HCG and Clomid can, however, also be advised with propionate use since it has a strong influence on the hypothalamohypophysial testicular axis, suppressing the endogenous hormone production. The toxic influence on the liver is minimal so that a liver damage is unlikely (see also Testosterone enanthate). What athletes dislike most about propionate are the frequent injections that are necessary.

As for frequent injections: The Testosterone Berco Suppositories by the German company Funke can help. This is quite an unusual testosterone compound since these are suppositories. The suppositories contain 40 mg Testosterone propionate and are introduced into the body through the rectum. This form of intake also has an additional advantage. The substance Testosterone propionate is reabsorbed very rapidly through the intestine. For a package with 18 suppositories the price on the black market is about $35.

Substance: Testosterone Propionate

Trade Names:
Agovirin inj. 25 mg/ml; Leciva CZ
Androfort-Richt. 10, 25 mg/ml; Gedeon Richter HU
Androlan (o.c.) 50, 100 mg/ml; Lannett U.S.
Hybolin Imp. (o.c.) 25, 50 mg/ml; Hyrex U.S.
Neo-Hombreol 50 mg/ml; Organon NL
Testex (o.c.) 50, 100 mg/ml; Pasadena U.S.
Testex Leo 25 mg/ml; Leo ES
Testosteron 5, 10 mg/ml; Galenika YU; Hemofarm YU
Testosteron 25, 50 mg/ml; Galenika YU; Hemofarm YU
Testosteron 10 mg/ml; Sopharma BG
T Berco Suppositorien 40 mg/S; Funke G
T-Prop. Disp. 10, 20 mg/ml; Disperga A
T Jenapharm (o.c.) 25 mg/ml; Jenapharm G
T Streuli 5, 10, 25, 50 mg/ml; Streuli & CO.AG A
Tprop. Eifelfango 10, 25 mg/ml; Eifelfango G
Tprop. Eifelfango 50 mg/ml; Eifelfango G
T Vitis (o.c.) 10, 25 mg/ml; Neopharma G
T propionicurn 10, 25 mg/ml; Polfa PL
Testosterone Prop. (o.c.) 50 mg/ml; Quad U.S., Lilly U.S.
Testosterone Prop. 100 mg/ml; Steris U.S.
Testoviron 10, 25 mg/ml; Schering 1, ES
Testoviron 50 mg/ml; 5chering 1, GR
Testovis 50, 100 mg/ml; SIT I
Testovis Deposit. 5 0, 100 mg1ml; SIT I
Triolandren 20 mg/ml; Ciba Geigy CH
Virormone 25, 50 mg/ml; Paines & Byrne GB
Virormone Veterinary: 100 mg/ml; Paines & Byrne GB
Ara-Test 25 mg/ml, 10 ml; Aranda Laboratories Mexico Testogan 25 mg/ml, 50 ml; Laguinsa Costa. Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Guatemala
Testosterona 50 5 0 mg/ml, 10 ml; Brovel Mexico

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Concept of Fertility Treatment

The Concept of Fertility Treatment

The term fertility treatment suggests a treatment to improve the fertility or egg production in women who would like to bring a new child into the world. This term originated from a condition known as infertility, where, a man and woman who are in a loving relationship are unable to reproduce naturally. However, this is the scientific aspect; the social implications of infertility are very drastic and tend to cause major problems within a relationship. Infertility often creates high levels of stress within relationships. The inability of the female in the relationship to conceive or give birth to a healthy child, more often than not creates very stressful conditions for both partners. This results in an adverse change in behaviour in both partners and also creates great upheaval in both personal and working life of both parties.

The Situation at Present

Infertility is no longer a new issue for couples who are planning to start a family; however the progress in the field of fertility treatment has been rather sporadic and slow even by the modern standards of advanced health
treatments. The advances or lack of, are not unrelated to the ever increasing cases of infertility among people today. We are just unable to gather enough information to help us calculate the precise situation; this is because of the huge amount of cases of infertility which are never reported. However, the amount of cases of infertility in people today appears to be on the increase. Major lifestyle changes make people more susceptible to being plagued by infertility: quite often this illness, and it is an illness, is self-inflicted. The foods which many couples eat are just one problem; they do not eat enough nutritional content which is required for healthy living. Our bodies are under enormous threat from a great deal of outside influences, pollution throughout the world is on the increase, habit forming problems such as alcohol consumption and drugs, also work related stress, all of which contribute to the causes of infertility and other life changing illness.

Infertility from a Medical Point of View.

Infertility can affect either or both parties in any relationship. The treatments required for infertility, are gender specific and will vary with each patient’s case history. There are a number of tests which can be carried out, such as hysterosalpingogram or (HSG) which is an important basic test for infertility, or postcoital test (PC test) which is also known as (sims) and must be carried out within one to two days of ovulation, each of which will help to give clear analysis of the patients illness.

After the tests have been completed, the treatment for infertility will consider any and all cures, any of these can entail a number of different procedures which will depend on the requirements of the patient and the analysis gained from the tests. Drugs such as Clomid which is used to induce ovulation and is usually the first choice of any doctor in the treatment of infertility, it will also usually be suggested to the male partner to use cold packs to help cool the testicles. These are just a few basic examples, however, only a professional infertility expert can suggest exact fertility cures.

Exercise and other complimentary treatments

Apart from the use of medical fertility treatments there are also other things which will be suggested to compliment the ongoing treatment. These complimentary suggestions will be things such as, daily nutrition intake, maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Stress is a major contributing factor to a lot of illness not least infertility, therefore stress must be dealt with immediately.

The Broader Outlook

Infertility is quite an emotional experience for all concerned and deserves to be closely scrutinised by everyone concerned with the subject. Many people are afraid to admit to be suffering from infertility, which is a real shame as there is treatment and support available from many outlets. Having to experience infertility treatment is quite a difficult exercise and entails quite a stressful and emotional time for both partners; the process can be made more difficult by people’s ignorance of the facts, and the lack of medical research.
James McLean Bowie is an author and book dealer who resides in East yorkshire England. He owns a number of web sites which offer articles and resources to writers, collectors and the hobbyist. Two of these sitres are and .

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Do Ovarian Cysts Define PCOS?

PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) was at named “Stein-Leventhal Syndrome” after the two doctors who classified this disease back in the 1930s, having found polycystic ovaries to be the issue one symptom in their patients. It was considered the defining symptom to diagnose what is now called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).

Medical enquiry has come a long way since then. New discoveries are made everyday and improved technologies surface to help us find answers.

Orthodox symptoms of PCOS are menstrual issues, lack of or inconsistent ovulation, ovarian cysts, hormonal imbalances, shell conditions, excess hair growth and/or loss of hair, depression, mood swings, infertility and changes in burden – just to name a few. As you see, PCOS is properly categorized as a “Syndrome” meaning “a complex of symptoms that together tell the existence of an undesirable condition or disease.”

Having said that, a woman can have all, some or even none of these symptoms present to unexploded with PCOS.

You may be thinking “How can that be if Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome indicates cysts on the ovaries? It implies polycystic ovaries fact in the name! Wouldn’t that mean I would have to have cysts to have PCOS?”

Absolutely not. Remember, the term “PCOS” has been tolerant of for decades – before we knew that PCOS begins in the endocrine system and that reproductive issues are only symptoms of the underlying provoke, insulin resistance.

Polycystic Ovaries

Polycystic Ovaries or PCO is a symptom and in many cases, its own diagnosis, not the defining climax of PCOS. In fact, a female at any age can have PCO – regardless of their medical conditions or lack thereof. Cysts are genius and are not always considered alarming. The cysts become of medical concern when they are long-lasting and problematic.

You may be the victim of an unknowledgeable doctor if (s) he dismisses PCOS because you don’t suffer from polycystic ovaries.

PCOS is diagnosed using, at the very nadir, two tools. Blood work and medical history are absolutely vital. In some cases, a pelvic or abdominal ultrasound is employed, and some doctors perform a laparoscopy. Whatever approach your doctor decides to use, make sure they are using more than one medical method for diagnosing.

If a doctor looks at you, without doing any investigation, and tells you that you do or do not have PCOS, seek another opinion. I would encourage you to find an Endocrinologist or a Reproductive Endocrinologist for this particular disease as PCOS is linked with insulin intransigence.

If you are a woman with PCOS, with polycystic ovaries, you have several treatment options available to you.

1) Treating the PCOS – This is always a must, not impartial for the cysts but for your body as a whole. I strongly recommend a health care protocol including the basic needs: nutrition, employment and support to help the process and remain focused. Many, including myself, have also used or needed supplements to help the organize along. Let’s face it, our bodies do not function properly and usually need something to tell our system “hey, this is what you are supposed to do.” That said, I immensely suggest the very popular system called the Insulite PCOS System at

2) Ovarian Drilling – This is a medical methodology performed with a laparoscopy and you do not have to have cysts to have it done. The purpose is to burn away any cysts and/or part of the ovary with hormonal build-up. The benefits can last up to 2 years - if not more! I had this advance done in 2001 and will do it again if necessary. Before my ovarian drilling, I was lucky to have my menstrual period every 3 to 4 months. With the surgery, Metformin, eating healthily and exercising, I have been steady and ovulatory ever since.

3) Medications (i.e. Clomid, injections) – If you are trying to conceive, this is another option. These medications can assistant you ovulate. You can also use medications even if you do not want children; just make sure you use other methods of birth control such as condoms, diaphragms or abstinence. For some, once you ovulate, it’s like punt starting your body into motion. The benefits can last up to 6 months or more.

4) Having a baby
– Yes, believe it or not, this is an selection. The same applies as the previously mentioned but the lasting effects can be much longer - for some women, it has been said up to two years!

I belief you feel more confident about dealing with ovarian cysts. For some women, it can be utterly painful, others might not even know they have them. Dealing with them is actually frustrating, I’m sure. Knowledge is power!

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From the News Wrapping Blog weblog

Mass Building Legal Steroids You Need to Know About

When it comes to erection mass and strength with the help of legal steroids, there are three compounds, when combined together, can’t be beat. Sustinon, Dianobol, and Dekka have been known for decades, as one of the unexcelled mass building steroid cycles available. All three steroids work well together and have their own unique properties. Below you will find information about all three and how they are commonly stacked for remotest results. You can’t be without them if you are serious about building muscle mass.

Sustinon, is a combination of 4 different testosterones in one. It has short acting testosterone, which provides swift results, as well as long acting testosterones. By combining short and long acting testosterones, a user will not only see faster results, but will see increasing results until the round is discontinued. Omandren is a similar steroid as it too uses the same four testosterones in its blend. A good beginner steroid succession of Sustinon is 250mg, taken once a week, for 8 weeks. Popular brand names of Sustinon include Organon, Infar, Karachi, Cyctahoh (depict), and Durateston.

Dianobol is a great steroid for immediate mass and strength. A steroid buyer will see results in only a few days with approximately 5 pounds of weight gain achieved after one week. A user will see some water retention rise from Dianobol if an anti-estrogen is not taken. This steroid is added with Sustinon because it is even faster acting and adds astounding mass and strength. A common Dianobol cycle dosage taking is 25-30mg a day, dividing the dosage into three, and compelling it at the same intervals throughout the day. Popular brands of Dianobol are pink pentagon Anabols from Thailand (picture), Naposims from Romania, Bionabol from Bulgaria, Russian dianobol and Ttokkyo dianobol from Mexico.

Dekka is a colossal base steroid for any mass cycle. Dekka is great for adding strength as well as size. Dekka is known for its capacity to keep muscle gains after cycling and to relieve joint pain. It is one of the most popular steroids of all time. A common dosage for Dekka is 200-300mg a week for 8-10 weeks. Hackneyed brands of Dekka are Norma Hellas, Organon, and Karachi.

Combining these three steroids, a first time alcohol can put on as much as 30lbs over 8 weeks. The user can expect to lose some of the weight due to water retention. Clomid as well as other anti-estrogens should be on participation at all times.

To read complete legal steroid descriptions for the legal steroids mentioned above, drop in on our main page at

Alex Matthews has won the Mr. Texas bodybuilding argument three times and is regarded as an expert on legal steroids. He regularly consults with to ensure product protection and effectiveness.

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From the News Gates Blog weblog

What To Do When You’re Not Getting Pregnant

Let’s phiz it, getting pregnant is not always as easy as it sounds. As many
stories as you have heard about unplanned pregnancies, getting pregnant should
be untroubled right? You learned sex ed around the 5th grade, but what they didn’t
tell you is approximately 1 in 10 couples will experience infertility for one
case or another and that most couples do not get pregnant the first month
of trying. If you are finding it more difficult than you thought to get pregnant,
we have some suggestions for you.

1. Try a plan for sex

There are quite a few of them out there. A recipe for sex is basically a list
of days to have sex on to try to get pregnant. My personal favorite is having
sex on days 9, 11, 12, 14, & 16 of your pattern. Of course if you don’t have
a 28 day cycle this one probably won’t work for you. Another plan is having
sex every other day starting about day 10 of your cycle.

2. Try fertility

Fertility charting involves taking your temperature at the same time every
morning before getting out of bed. You also observe for signs of ovulation and
table your cervical mucous pattern. Charting can help determine if you are ovulating
and help you to pinpoint when ovulation is occurring.

3. Use ovulation intimation kits (OPKs)

You can buy ovulation prediction kits at your local pharmacy or you can find
them even cheaper if you purchase them online. A day or two before you ovulate,
your fullness produces a surge of luteinizing hormone, LH. OPKs work by detecting
this LH surge. Follow the directions that succeed with your kit to determine how
to read the test strips, what time of day to test, and also what day of your
cycle you should begin testing. OPKs cannot sustain ovulation, but they can
help you predict ovulation before it occurs. Used in combination with fertility
charting, they are very effective in determining ovulation.

4. Get to an nonpareil principles weight

Many women do not want to hear this one, but being overweight or underweight
can affect your fertility. Women who are significantly underweight or performance
excessively often lose their period all together. It makes perfect sense then
that if you are significantly overweight your fertility would be affected as
well. Losing bias if you are overweight is one of the best things you can
do to improve your fertility. Sticking to a sensible diet and increasing your
weight if you are underweight will also assist. Weight issues can also affect

your partner’s sperm, so if your partner is over or underweight encourage him
to reach his example weight.

5. Check out your medicine cabinet

Certain medications can affect fertility. Talk with your doctor about the medications
that you and you mate take. Even over the counter medications can cause problems.
For example, medications such as tetracycline, erythromycin, and cimetidine
can reduce a man’s fertility.

6. Try In preference to Softcups®

Although no formal research has been done on it, many women have claimed success
from using them. Instead Softcups® are inserted and placed near to the
cervix after intercourse to help hold semen close to the cervix.

7. Try a supplement

There are many over the bar supplements now that may aid in fertility including
Vitex, FertiliAid, and FertiliTea. Vitamin B6 may also be helpful with improving
your chances of getting heavy with child. Men should take a daily multivitamin and women
should start taking prenatal vitamins when they begin trying to conceive.

8. Corroboration your position

The best sexual position for trying to conceive is with the woman on the bottom.
It may also be helpful for her to lay on her back after intercourse with her
knees to her box for fifteen minutes.

9. Talk to your doctor

Although many doctors will not investigate infertility until you’ve been trying
for a full year, many will and even those that are more reactionary with treatment
may be able to offer you valuable insight and suggestions. Your doctor can give
you and your partner a full workup to check for potential causes of infertility.
There are many treatments handy including Clomid, IUI (Intrauterine Insemination),
and more. Your doctor can also look at related health issues that may be affecting
your fertility such as thyroid disorders and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
Even infections and viral illnesses can precipitate problems getting pregnant. Your
doctor can work with you to come up with a plan for you to get pregnant.

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From the World leading articles weblog

Monday, March 30, 2009

Winchester Coldwell real estate educator earns national ‘Green Designation’

Fitzgerald completed extensive training to meet NAR’s qualification to train REALTORS better understand what makes property green, to help their clients evaluate the cost/benefit of green building features and practices, to distinguish between industry rating and classification systems, to better list and market green homes, to discuss financial grants and incentives available to homeowners, and to help homeowners see a property’s green potential.

“As energy costs rise along with concern for the environment, homeowners are looking for innovative ways to save money and live responsibly,’” said Fitzgerald. “It is my goal to assist Realtors to become more familiar with green real estate concepts so that they can better serve their clients.”

NAR’s Green Designation was developed in response to growing consumer awareness of the benefits for resource-efficient homes and buildings. The designation helps consumers who care about energy efficiency and sustainable building practices identify REALTORS who can help them realize their green real estate and lifestyle goals.

Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage is the largest residential real estate brokerage company in New England. With more than 4,000 sales associates and staff in more than 90 office locations, the organization serves consumers in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Maine. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage is part of NRT LLC, the nation’s largest residential real estate brokerage company. NRT, a subsidiary of Realogy Corporation, operates Realogy’s company-owned real estate brokerage offices.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Trip insurance has angered travelers and drawn state scrutiny

Is the nightmarish possibility of being laid off keeping you from taking the vacation of your dreams?

Several travel companies are hoping to allay your fears — and then wish you bon voyage.

Cruise retailer CruiseOne, with several locations in Northeast Ohio, recently added job-loss coverage to its basic travel insurance policy. If you get laid off, you can cancel the cruise with no penalty — provided you’ve purchased the insurance, the price of which varies by the cost of the cruise but starts at $35.

“You wouldn’t think something so simple could make such a difference,” said Becky Piper, who runs a CruiseOne franchise out of her Strongsville home. “My sales have skyrocketed.”

“Everyone is just so fearful,” she said. “They don’t want to make plans for six months from now if they think they might not have a job.”

To qualify for the policy, which is administered by Travel Guard, you must have been employed for a year. Information:, an online travel agency specializing in cruises, also offers job-loss protection through its basic travel insurance policy; and Ecruises is picking up the cost of the insurance.

Norwegian Cruise Line also recently added job-loss insurance to its travel insurance plan for sailings in May and beyond. Prices start at $29, depending on the fare. Information:

A bed-and-breakfast in Vermont is offering six free two-night getaways to people who have been unemployed for more than six months. Rabbit Hill Inn in Lower Waterford, on the New Hampshire border near St. Johnsbury, will offer a two-night freebie, dubbed the Pink Slip Getaway Giveaway, each month in April through July and again in November and December. Send a letter or e-mail by Monday, June 1, explaining your story in a page or less: Box 55, Lower Waterford Road, Lower Waterford, VT 05848 or info@rabbithillinn. com.

Ohio’s two CoCo Key water parks, in Newark and Cincinnati, are offering a price break to workers who have been forced to take unpaid time off. For $119, a family of four can spend a night at either resort, which includes two full days of water-park passes. Information: or

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Investment Companies For Your Future

When it comes to investment companies, a quick search on the internet will bring up hundreds and hundreds of links for you to browse through, all wanting your business. So what do you do? Well, my suggestion is that you narrow the search down to the area where you are living, so that you can go in person to some of these investment companies, and get a feel for the people working there. After all, these people are going to be investing your money for your future. You don’t want to let just any body handle it! Talk to these people, make sure they explain the terminology in ways you understand. Make sure they do not get irritated if you ask questions. The people you choose to do your investing should leave you feeling entirely comfortable and confident that they will do their best for you.

Now if you are looking for an individual retirement account then you can easily do some research in advance to find out what questions you need to ask an investment company for clarification. These accounts can help you through the investment in stocks, bonds or mutual funds to save for your retirement. It is often said when referring to stocks that diversification is the key, meaning that you should not invest in only one stock, since the risk is much larger here to lose everything if the stock should fall drastically. It is recommended to invest in a mixed bunch, so that the risk is not as great, but at the same time, this generally means that the chance of huge profits is not as great either.

Now, with some restrictions it is possible to invest in real estate in your individual retirement account, and as real estate is generally a good investment over the years, this is something that you might want to consider for your ira. You need to look for a custodian who will purchase property on behalf of the ira, and this custodian needs to be knowledgeable concerning real estate and individual retirement accounts. There are some rules and regulations that you need to be aware of ahead of time, and talking with a professional financial advisor is obviously recommended. This person will be able to explain the rules and regulations, and the tax implications which will affect your decision.

Read full article: Investment Companies

Friday, January 30, 2009

Buying your own residential

Buying your own residential Florida Real Estate property when you plan to settle down or retire in the area can be easy, that is if you know how to and what comes along with it. To make things simple for you, you have to know all facts, requirements and the legalities of purchasing a home in Florida and this will make the process a lot easier for you.

First, you have to gain knowledge on the real status of the Florida real estate market. This will aid you in purchasing your home in the area especially when you are working on a tight budget. If truth be told, the real estate market in this state fluctuates and usually depends on the demand, residential properties available and the value of the United States dollar.

Renovating a house can be a challenging but rewarding experience. However, when it comes to the best way to spend your renovation dollars, consider what will have the most impact on your home value. Renovation will cost you a pretty penny, but if you do it right, they will bring you a significant return when you sell your home.

Kitchen seem to have replaced living rooms and family room in the last decade as the heart of a home. It seems to have become “the place to be”. Renovating a kitchen can range to changing the counter tops and fixtures to a full overall complete with new floors, cabinets and appliances. Because kitchen usually suffer the most wear and tear, they seem to become dated faster than any other room in the house. Any investment you make in your kitchen to make it appear modern and current will bring a great return on your investment. The average return on investment for a kitchen remodeling is 102%.

The whole world has been facing one the worst recessions of all time. Japanese giants like Toyota and Sony have already declared heavy financial losses in 2008 - the first ever for Toyota since its inception. Lately, Microsoft and Caterpillar have also announced job cuts - 5,000 and 20,000 respectively.

The United States of America is also included in the list of the severely affected countries.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Low Carb Diets Revealed

If you’ve touch about dieting at least once any time in the past couple of years, there’s a good chance that the diet you went on was one of the many low carb diets that are ready now days. Although the very first of these low carb diets, the Atkins diet program has been about for at least 30 years, the craze for low carb diets has only infatuated off very recently.

This can probably be by specific broadcasting propaganda along with a number of genuine success stories. And when you bounce jilt in a personality
or two into the mix, you’ve the makings of a latest fashion. Every one then leaps on the bandwagon which in this case turned out to be low carb diets.

What you want to ask is if you’re thinking of taking a crack at one of these low carb diets as if the Atkins diet is so trendy at the present, and really gives brook to help you in minimising your weight, why didn’t it increase in popularity long before this?

After all it has been around for as long as 30 years. That’s a long-drawn-out time for a diet to be around without anybody noticing it until the later stages of those 30 years. And if these low carb diets are as movables for you as all these books and practitioners of the diets will tell you, then why is there so much disapproval to these diets from health specialists and medical sources?

After all it has been around for as prolonged as thirty years. That’s a extended time for a diet to be around without any person noticing it until the later stages of those 30 years. And if these low carb diets are as complimentary for you as all these books and practitioners of the diets will tell you, then why is there so much disapproval to these diets from health specialists and medical areas?

Read this full article: Low Carb Diets Revealed

From the Low Carb Diets article

Friday, January 16, 2009

Executive Office Suites - Rent Or Stay at Home?

Bottom line - renting an executive suite can be more costly in terms of money out of your pocket than working from home. For new businesses or existing businesses that are struggling, these extra dollars can be critical. However, the costs in lack of productivity and distractions can be significantly more than the direct costs of rent.

Often it’s hard to measure these types of costs and or to really realize them. One quick and easy way to do this is simply add up all of your monthly costs (both business and personal) and divide them by 30 days. By doing this you’ll know your daily “burn rate”. When you start realizing that every day you’re going through cash, regardless of how tight you are with your money, and or if you work from home or from an office space, you realize you have to be productive or you’ll go out of business.

The real problem of working from home is the distractions; fifteen minute here to help bring in the groceries, 10 minute there to let in the dog, 20 minutes to discuss your relationship with your significant other, etc. Also, the lack of total focus by being at home can cut into your time as well. All of this just adds up to a lot of wasted working time and you may come to the conclusion that it is much more costly than paying rent for an executive suite.

Additional benefits include have a secretary answer your phone, which gives a tremendous professional feel for a small business that might not be able to afford a full time receptionist. Other little things like having the trash taken out, or having a reliable copy and fax machine can be such a relief and time saver so you can focus on your bigger, more important issues like calling your clients to bring in more revenue.

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Sanyo RL4930 (Sprint) Review

Now that Sprint has absorbed Nextel, the carrier’s Ready Link phones seem to be suffering from an identity crisis. Before the merger, the handsets were sort of Nextel-lite. You could get push-to-talk service and a rugged handset, but you didn’t have to lug around a brick, totally devoid of style, and you didn’t have to be chained to Nextel’s businesscentric services. But now that Nextel and Sprint have joined forces, and Nextel is putting out smaller, more attractive phones, Sprint’s Ready Link handsets just look a little ridiculous. Take the new Sanyo RL4930: Although it is on the bulky side, as well as sports rubber edges and PTT capability, we’d rather go with the real thing and just get a Nextel phone, such as the i355. The RL4930 is $189, but it’s cheaper with a service plan.

To be perfectly frank, the Sanyo RL4930 is not a looker. A dull candy bar shape, along with a basic-gray color scheme and a protruding antenna, makes it more like a cordless phone than a mobile device. Also, considering it measures 4.5 by 2 by 1 inches and weighs 4.4 ounces, it’s not compact by any means. On the upside, a rubber coating on either spine adds a touch of durability, but the extendable antenna is rather flimsy.

The Sanyo RL4930’s 65,000-color display measures 1.6 inches (128×112 pixels) and is the best thing about the handset’s design. Although its overall resolution is a bit washed out, it’s nonetheless fine for viewing the user-friendly menus. You can adjust the contrast, the font size, and the backlighting time, but you can’t alter the brightness.

Below the Sanyo RL4930’s display are the main navigation controls with a standard Sanyo design. There’s a five-way toggle that acts as a shortcut to messaging, and the phone book has a menu where you can program more shortcuts, as well as a My Content folder for storing games and other downloaded files. The toggle is large enough, but the other navigation controls may trouble users with larger fingers. Two soft keys, dedicated Web and Back buttons, and the Talk and End/power keys are all much too small. However, we liked the fact that the Back buttons double as a key lock if held down and that there’s a dedicated speakerphone button below the keypad. Speaking of the keypad, the buttons are raised just above the surface of the phone, which made it easy to dial by feel. They’re also decently sized and lit by a green backlighting. The only controls on the outside of the phone are the Ready Link button and a wide volume rocker on the left spine.

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ducati 848: As Prada to Vuitton

The parking lot encircling the hotel was packed, despite it being a weekday. Among a sea of rental fleet specials, a leviathan tractor trailer was parked, taking up four parking slots and the adjacent lane. The Ducati Corse livery, bright rosso paint and the anticipation of what lay within, triggered salivation like a Kobe steakhouse. The Ducati reps greeted us and promptly started offloading the bikes – the new Monster 696, a Hypermotard S and a beautiful, red 848. Wait…no, it’s a 1098, followed by an 848, in yellow. No, that one’s a 1098 also. Which one is the 848? More importantly, which one is mine? My uncertainty is easily apparent, as the Ducati rep catches me peering around the bikes for the side decals; the only way I can discern my ‘middleweight superbike’ from the 1098.

Confusion picking the 848 apart from its larger sibling is understandable and represents both the main point of criticism and praise of it; the 848 is identical to the 1098 in its outer beauty. The 1098/848 are perhaps the most gushed-over bikes to come out of Bologna since the 916. Since the controversy over the love-it-or-hate-it, ‘design exercise’ styling of the 999/749, the somewhat more conventional clothing of the current siblings have that mass appeal that even a non-motorcycle aficionado can appreciate. Whether in red or unconventional white, the 848 is not for introverts: heads will turn and eyes will cast jealous stares in the direction of this Italian stunner.

Criticism of the 848 tends to focus on the fact that it’s essentially a 1098 with a few cheaper components and a smaller engine. Those critics clearly side with the ‘tank is half empty’ argument. Sure, the 848 lacks the traditional dry clutch of its predecessors and its bigger brother, but the wet clutch setup makes for easy modulation and greater durability, as well as a decent weight savings. The ‘lesser’ Brembo calipers may not be as beefy as those on the 1098, but the initial bite is far tamer. To state that the 848 is simply a smaller displacement 1098 is like saying Prada is simply a lesser brand compared to Vuitton. Despite the fewer cc’s. the 848 features an all-new Testastretta Evoluzione powerplant churning out more power than the 749 while shedding weight faster than a supermodel prior to a Vogue photoshoot. In spite of the displacement reduction, the engine is incredibly smooth in its linear power delivery and certainly doesn’t leave its rider in want of more power; if anything, the 1098 chassis feels better suited with the smaller twin for street riding.

The ergonomics of the bike are somewhat misleading. The steeply raked nose and long, narrow tank make the handlebars appear far out of reach of the seating position; combined with the wafer-thin seat and ultra-narrow profile, the Ducati 848 looks about as comfortable to mount as a Philippe Starck recliner. But it’s really not that bad.

Upon straddling the bike, I wasn’t as stretched out as the long profile suggested, and the seat had substantially more give than it appeared. My only complaints stem from certain design elements; the fairing along the trellis frame ahead of one’s knees has a tendency to rub the fairing screws into the tender part of a rider’s shins, and the raked angle of the fairing stay becomes an issue with low speed maneuverings, whereupon fingers are easily pinched between the clip-ons and cowl. The lack of an indicated redline on the otherwise fantastic MotoGP-derived instrument pack induces hooliganism simply to see how high the Testastretta twin will sing.

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