Monday, October 27, 2008

Is Phentermine Safe?

In the past there has been much controversy about the safety of the stimulant known as Phentermine which acts as an amphetamine. Phentermine has been used as an appetite suppressant which does affect the central nervous system. Together with exercise, Phentermine has been successful for weight loss. In the late 1990’s, the issue of Phentarmine safety arose because of the Phen-fen scare where it was determined that the combination of Phentermine and Fenfluramine which made up Phen-fen was pulled from the market due to serious health conditions involving the heart and lungs. It was the combination of the two drugs that were the problem, primarily the Fenfluramine. There has been no evidence that Phentermine is ineffective or unsafe on its own.

Phentermine is also sold under the brand name Adipex and is available for anyone to order via online pharmacies. Under these conditions, Phenturmine would not be considered safe unless it was prescribed by and monitored by a physician. There are certain side effects when using Phentermine and there are also certain people who should not use this drug because they would be considered high risk. Phentermine can be safe for some people and not for others especially those who might suffer from conditions such as anxiety, high blood pressure, any type of heart disease, an overactive thyroid, glaucoma, or if you have a history of drug or alcohol abuse.

Specific side effects can be associated with the use of Phentermin and while some are minor such as dizziness, nervousness or anxiousness, headaches, insomnia, itching, diarrhea, or constipation sometimes a simple dosage adjustment will alleviate these side effects. However, there can be major side effects that might need more attention than just a dosage adjustment and can indicate a serious problem. These could include chest pain, swelling in the feet or ankles, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, a feeling of restlessness or confusion, increased blood pressure, or seizures.

Read full article: Is Phentermine Safe?

Source: Is Phentermine Safe?

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